Andrew DicksonComment

Sula, MT - Day 2

Andrew DicksonComment
Sula, MT - Day 2

Sunday, September 24, 2022

We’re in Sula, Montana for the week. Andi rented an airbnb for his parents to stay in during their visit and we’ll park our RV in the driveway. it’s the perfect setup for the six of us — we have a kitchen, living room and dining room to use, a washer & dryer, and a bathroom for showering. And, with the RV parked in the drive-way, we’ve still got the comforts of our home with us as well.

Last night, Aden chose to sleep inside the cabin with Grandma and Grandpa while Andi, Tory and I slept in our beds in the RV. That arrangement gave everyone plenty of space and comfort.

Janie and Aden were up early this morning making breakfast for everyone while I exercised in the Airbnb basement. There’s a big, open room in the downstairs fo this house to utilize, and I’m thrilled I don’t have to do my workouts outside on cold Montana mornings!

Around 10:00am, the six of us hopped in the RV and drove to the East Fork Trailhead. Andi, Tory, Aden and I hiked this trail once before during our visit to Sula in June 2022, so we knew what to expect — a relatively flat trail with gorgeous views of the East Fork River. Air temperatures were in the mid-50’s when we set out so we bundled up in sweatshirts and jackets, but quickly began to peel off clothing layers as afternoon sun warmed the day.

I loved hiking this trail for a second time because the colors of the landscape changed so much from spring to fall. Many shades of green had given way to orange, yellow and brown foliage. It was really beautiful, and we had the entire place to ourselves.

What a perfect hike to begin our Montana vacation with Janie & Jim!

I had to document Aden’s attire as of late — camo everything. Can you spot him in the wilderness? He’s hiding from me in this picture.

This trail goes on miles and miles, connecting to many other hikes in the area, so we walked about 2 miles and then turned around toward our RV parked at the trailhead. Along the way, we talked with one another. Aden wanted to play the “alphabet picnic game” where you list the things you’ll take on a picnic in alphabetic order. Jim had such a great method for remembering the laundry list of items — he made the list into a story!

I’m really thankful we get to make memories with Jim and Janie this week. This time with their grandparents Aden and Tory will always remember.

As part of Tory’s Language Arts curriculum this year, we’re using oil pastels to draw pictures of various topics we study. When I saw the beautiful colors of this landscape today, I knew I wanted to have the kids draw their own versions of it. Here are our depictions of “Fall Colors in Montana” —




We returned to our airbnb rental around 1:00pm and made lunch. Janie and I worked together to warm up some chicken meatballs I’d picked up at COSTCO with spaghetti noodles for the kids and a side salad. We ate on the big covered porch in front of the rental cabin. What a beautiful fall day it was with temperatures now in the mid-70’s!

After lunch, Jim, Andi, Aden and I walked behind the rental cabin to the East Fork River to try our hand at fishing. Andi only brought one fishing rod with him that he’s been carrying around in the RV forever, so we didn’t expect to catch much. However, Aden really wanted to go fishing and Andi obliged.

We didn’t see any fish in the river, but Aden was determined to keep trying. Jim thought the fishing off the bridge down the road might be a better spot, so the four of us walked there to check it out. No luck.

We returned to the cabin and reconnected with Janie and Tory. Tory wanted to hang out with one of her friends on FaceTime, so Andi took Jim, Janie, and Aden on a drive to a swimming hole up the road. I stayed back with Tory and used the down time to blog and prep dinner.

The fishing crew returned about an hour later without fresh catch. Aden said he and Andi tried to swim in the pond, but it was ice cold. For Aden to say that, the water must have been freezing!

Andi grilled a pork tenderloin for dinner, and I made roasted potatoes, salad and cauliflower to accompany the meat. We ate dinner outside on the front porch again and enjoyed the unseasonably warm fall temperatures.

After dinner, Andi, Janie, the kids, and I went for a walk around the neighborhood. The area we’re staying in is pretty secluded with over a million acres of national forestland surrounding it. There is, however, one neighborhood development across the road with about 50 houses or so.

Back at the rental cabin, the six of us played board games until it was time for bed. I’m so glad I brought a variety of board games and cards with us on this trip as it’s been a great way to unwind before bedtime. It was the perfect ending to a great first day in Montana.