Andrew DicksonComment

Sula, MT - Day 12

Andrew DicksonComment
Sula, MT - Day 12

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Today was our last day at the Riversong rental cabin in Sula, Montana. Andi worked in the morning for a bit while Tory, Aden and I did their schoolwork. Andi’s mom, Janie, was a great help in getting everything packed up and the house cleaned before our afternoon departure.

This was such a great place to stay the past 10 days! We really enjoyed the peacefulness of the woods surrounding the cabin, sounds of the river rushing by in the distance, and all the hiking trails so close to the cabin. The owners of the airbnb were friendly and accommodating. Before leaving, the owner let us fill up our RV with water and dump our black & gray tanks at her house. Andi and I thought this was very kind, and saved us a trip to complete those chores at the Sula Convenience Store.

By 12:30pm, the six of us were on the road. Andi rented another airbnb cabin in Seeley Lake, Montana for the remainder of Janie and Jim’s trip. All six of us rode together in the camper with the Jeep pulling behind us. We stopped in the town of Darby to have lunch at the Montana Cafe before continuing on toward Seeley Lake.

Seeley Lake is about a two-hour drive from Darby. Along the way, we passed by Travelers Rest State Park which has been on my Montana bucket list for years. Andi and I thought today might be a great time to stop for a visit since Jim also enjoys history. Travelers Rest is one of the many places Lewis & Clark camped during their westward expedition, but the only site with archeological evidence of their time there. The expedition stopped at this site in September 1805 before crossing the Bitterroot Mountains, and again on their return trip in June 1806.

Travelers Rest State Park has a well-curated museum inside the visitor’s center, so we stopped there first to learn more about Lewis & Clark’s journey. We’ve been learning about Lewis & Clark in our homeschool studies, so it was easy for Tory and Aden to complete the Junior Ranger booklets and earn themselves each a Lewis & Clark badge from the state park.

Afterward the visitor’s center, the six of us walked along the interpretive loop trail which weaves through the site where Lewis & Clark camped alongside the Lolo River. It was neat to imagine the explorers camped here, gazing at the same mountains and streams we see today.

From Lolo, MT, our group continued making our way to Seeley Lake, MT. Aden took a foul-smelling poop in the RV bathroom while we were driving there which made the rest of us both laugh and gag. Being able to use the bathroom wherever you go is definitely a major perk of RV travel, but sometimes it isn’t the most pleasant experience for the rest of us. I thought Jim was going to pass out in the back from the smell and Andi was gagging while driving with his head hung out the window. Aden reemerged from the bathroom with a look that said, “What?”

We’ve traveled through Seeley Lake before, but haven't spent a lot of time there. All of us were excited to experience a new area of Montana together. Andi rented an airbnb called “Seal’s Inn” which is owned by a former Navy Seal. The cabin had two bedrooms, two bathrooms and an upstairs loft. Janie, Jim and Aden decided to stay in the cabin while Andi, Tory and I slept in RV.

We grilled salmon burgers and brats for dinner with veggies, and enjoyed our meal on the deck overlooking the mountains. Andi made a campfire after dinner, and we all sat outside together enjoying the beautiful fall evening. There were several deer in the yard munching on grass and horses grazing in a neighbor’s pasture. What a beautiful spot!

Tomorrow, we’re excited to see what the town of Seeley Lake has to offer.