Andrew DicksonComment

Sula, MT - Day 11

Andrew DicksonComment
Sula, MT - Day 11

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Today was our last day staying at the Riversong rental airbnb in Sula, MT.

The first part of our day started like it typically does— Tory, Aden, and I did schoolwork in the morning while Andi worked on his computer in the RV. Andi’s parents have been walking together in the mornings, and decided today to walk down the Johnson Peak Trailhead Road. Andi drove them a few miles up the road in the Jeep and then Janie and Jim walked back down to the main road for some exercise. They both have enjoyed walking the forest roads because it’s easy walking on a flat path free of sticks and rocks.

Janie and I spent some time in the afternoon cleaning the cabin and packing our things into the RV to prepare for our departure tomorrow. This has been such a comfortable place for all of us to stay the past two weeks! We’ve really enjoyed it.

Janie, Andi and I wanted to go for another walk this afternoon, but Jim said his legs needed a rest. We decided to leave him back at the cabin while we hiked to one of the old fire towers in the area. Tory and Aden would’ve preferred to stay back at the cabin with Jim so they could FaceTime their friends and play games on their iPads, but Andi and I decided to drag them along. A little time in nature never hurt anyone, right?

The five of us piled into the Jeep and drove to the parking area at the beginning of the trail. From there, we began the 1 1/2 mile hike up to the lookout tower. It wasn’t an easy climb! The trail was a series of switchbacks climbing up the side of the mountain. Eventually, it leveled out some and gave our hearts and lungs a chance to catch up.

McCart Lookout is a historic fire tower that’s been restored to its original 1940’s condition. The small cabin is available to rent for $25/night. Inside, there’s a wood-burning stove, bed (without bedding), and basic amenities for cooking. It would be a neat place to camp someday!

Unfortunately, the trail to McCart Lookout needed some work. There were quite a few downed trees that we had to climb over to reach the top. We made it though! The view at the top was incredible. Totally worth the effort.

Next time, we’ll have to come back and camp at the lookout tower. It would be a fun place to spend a day living in the wilderness.

Back at the rental cabin, we enjoyed one last dinner together at the Sula house before calling in an evening. Tomorrow, we’ll say good-bye to this area and move onto Seeley Lake, MT.