Andrew DicksonComment

Galveston, TX - Day 2

Andrew DicksonComment
Galveston, TX - Day 2

Thursday, February 4

Our day began at the Jamaica Beach RV Park near Galveston, Texas. Andi and I rarely choose to camp at big RV resorts like this one, typically opting for nature over amenities. This campground is packed with snowbirds staying here for the winter and has lots of activities for everyone. I had to laugh this morning when several older gentlemen stopped by to talk to me during my workout. “Is that like one of those mirrors you watch and it tells you what to do?” one man asked me. Another man wanted let me know about the daily yoga class held by the pool at 9:00am. Both very sweet & friendly people; I’m simply not used to having an audience when I exercise most mornings! I will take a clean patio of cement vs. a wet patch of dirt to exercise on any day. That part was enjoyable.

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Aden, on the other hand, is in absolute heaven on the rare occasion we do stay at RV parks like this one. He has asked to swim in one of the many pools on the property at least a dozen times already (with spring-like temperatures in Galveston this week, it’s still too cold to swim though). The weather forecast was cloudy today with temperatures in the mid-60’s. The humidity made the air feel much warmer than it was. On a whim, Andi and I decided to let the kids take a break from school today so we could enjoy the many activities in Galveston together and the warm, pleasant temperature outdoors.

Unfortunately, Tory still felt sick this morning. Last night after dinner, she broke out in hives on her neck and back. The hives were gone this morning, but now she’s complaining her belly hurts. No fever, throwing up, or diarrhea. Neither Andi or I can’t think of anything new or unusual she ate yesterday, so we’re not sure what is the cause.

Tory thought she felt well enough for mini golf this morning, so the four of us walked across the RV park to the course together. Andi paid for a round of mini golf in the main office, then we spent a few hours playing. We had a really fun time actually! The course was a nice one with lots of obstacles to challenge us and Tory seemed to be feeling better. We had the entire mini golf course to ourselves so we were able to play at our own pace.

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Golfing was one of the activities on Aden’s Galveston wish list, so I’m glad we were able to get it in today.

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Of course Maya, Tory’s American Doll, had to come golfing as well. “Isn’t it a little challenging to golf with a doll in your hand?” Andi asked Tory. “Nope, I got it” she said. Tory wants to bring her doll with us wherever we go which is a thorn in Andi’s side for some reason. To her credit, she carried it the entire time we golfed.

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After golfing, the four of us returned to our RV for lunch. I made egg roll in a bowl with rice — one of our go-to meals in the RV because it’s easy to make and everyone in our family likes it. Unfortunately, Tory’s stomach was feeling upset again.

Andi and I decided to drive into Galveston to find something low-key to do. I suggested we visit the Rosenburg Library, the oldest public library in Texas, which offers a free museum about the city of Galveston on its 4th floor. Tory wasn’t feeling up to it, so she decided to rest in the RV with Andi while Aden and I went inside the library to check it out.

The library was open, but unfortunately the 4th floor exhibits about Texas history were closed due to COVID. I sometimes wonder if businesses use COVID as an excuse to reduce funding for the year. Why would the library be open but the museum part be closed? Anyway. Disappointed, Aden and I returned to the RV parked outside.

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Tory thought she might feel well enough for a bike ride. After a quick stop by the sporting goods store to buy a new bike helmet for Tory (apparently we forgot hers at home), we found a spot to park the RV near the ocean, unloaded our e-bikes, and the four of us cruised down the boulevard.

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We rode our bikes into downtown Galveston. I’m not sure this is something we would have been able to do had it not been the off-season. The streets were pretty empty which made biking around easy. I imagine on a day when cruise ships are coming & going from nearby Port Galveston it’s a much different story!

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After our bike ride around town, we returned to our RV parked along Seawall Blvd and then drove back to Jamaica Beach RV Park. We rarely camp in the same place more than one night, but Jamaica Beach RV Park had a two-night minimum.

I cooked teriyaki beef stir fry for dinner while Andi threw in a load of laundry. We typically do laundry once a week while we’re traveling, but Andi figured we might as well take advantage of having a washing machine available to use while we’re camped here!

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The rest of the night was a quiet one. We started a new TV series on Netflix called Heartland. Tory still wasn’t feeling well. I hope tomorrow is better for her.

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We’re leaving Galveston tomorrow and heading inland toward Texas Hill Country. Excited to experience its beauty, though this week’s forecast looks like it is turning to cooler weather.