Andrew DicksonComment

Marathon, TX

Andrew DicksonComment
Marathon, TX

Wednesday, February 10

Today was a long driving day as we began making our way to Big Bend National Park in southwestern Texas. It’s a six-hour drive from Fredericksburg to the national park, so Andi and I decided to get most of the driving out of the way in one shot today. Before we left Fredericksburg, we stopped by HEB grocery store to load up on food and supplies. We were certain it would be hard to find a grocery store as nice as this one where we were headed next!

While Andi grocery shopped, I took my workout to a basketball court next to the grocery store parking lot. Tory and Aden stayed in the RV about a hundred yards away from where I was outside.

Photo Feb 10, 11 05 06 AM.jpg

Once we left Fredericksburg, most of our day was spent driving along Interstate 10. It was a pretty boring drive. Andi and I took turns driving to help the time go by faster while Aden and Tory watched their iPads for hours on end.

Around 6:00pm, we pulled into our campsite for the night in the town of Marathon, TX. It was so dark outside that it was hard to see where we were. This area of Texas is considered an international dark sky zone which means it is a great place to see the stars. There aren’t any city lights and very few building lights which helps keep the sky dark at night.

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I made tacos for dinner while Andi took Tory and Aden for a walk around the RV Park. They’d both been cooped up inside the RV all day. A quick stretch for their legs was much needed.

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After dinner, Tory and Aden took turns using the new massage gun on my back. What a treat! I think Aden likes to get massages as much as I do.

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Tomorrow, we’ll wake up and drive to Big Bend National Park about an hour south of Marathon. We’re excited to see the national park, but a little nervous about the weekend weather forecast. Much of the US is experiencing colder-than-normal weather right now, and Texas is no exception. Ice and snow already hit northern parts of the state earlier this week and there’s a chance for snow this weekend in Big Bend. We want to stay as far away from inclement weather as possible, so the weather will determine the amount of time we spend at Big Bend and where we go from there.