Andrew DicksonComment

Canyon Lake, TX

Andrew DicksonComment
Canyon Lake, TX

Friday, February 5

Oh, the difference 24-hours can make! Yesterday was a humid, warm day in Galveston and today was cold, windy and rainy. Fortunately, Andi and I already made plans to leave the coast for a while and move inland toward the rolling hill country of south central Texas.

We pulled out of Jamaica Beach RV Park around 10:00am with a longer driving day ahead of us. The quickest route from Galveston to Canyon Lake navigated us along the interstate through Houston which we wanted to avoid driving with the RV. Instead, Andi took a slightly longer alternative route on Highway 90 making our total drive-time about five hours today.

Tory still wasn’t feeling like herself this morning. She slept all night without issue, but woke up with the same stomach ache she had yesterday. No fever, throwing up or diarrhea. No appetite either. Everyone else in the family seems to be feeling fine.

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Half-way to our destination, we stopped for lunch and school in Eagle Lake, Texas. Andi attempted to pick up a few things at the small-town grocery without much success while Tory, Aden and I stayed in the RV to do some schoolwork. I wanted to make sure we did a few lessons today since we took yesterday off from school.

Tonight, Andi reserved us a campsite at Potter’s Creek Campground in Canyon Lake. The campground is situated on Canyon Lake and is also near the Guadalupe River making it a popular spot for boating and fishing.

We were pleased to discover our reserved campsite had a great view of the water. Once we were settled into our site, the four of us decided to take a walk around the campground before dinner. Only one loop in the park was open for camping and every spot was taken on a Friday evening.

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Photo Feb 05, 6 00 14 PM.jpg

After we walked a short loop around the campground, Tory said her belly was hurting again. We headed back to the RV to eat dinner, then spent a quiet night in the RV watching episodes of Heartland on Netflix. Tory still didn’t have an appetite at dinner, but she was able to eat a few of Nana’s famous pears in heavy syrup. Hopefully those will help her.

Andi and I usually rock-paper-scissors to see who will have to transform the table into Aden’s bed after dinner. The dreaded task of taking it down and then putting it back together in the morning before breakfast.

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Saturday, February 6

Since we weren’t able to explore much of Potter’s Creek Park yesterday afternoon, Andi and I were itching to get outside and stretch our legs this morning. We joke that Aden is like a dog who needs to be walked everyday, and yesterday he spent way too much time cooped up in the RV. Long driving days make it a challenge to run off all of his energy.

Tory wasn’t very excited about going for a walk this morning, but we told her that it would do her body good to get some fresh air. It’s now Day 4 of her having a belly ache with no other symptoms, so Andi said if it doesn’t feel better today we’ll have to take her to see a doctor. She didn’t like the sound of that.

We left our campsite at Potter’s Creek Park around 10:00am and drove a short distance to the Guadeloupe River trailhead. Parking the RV there was easy as it had a big parking lot. Although this is a popular trail, there weren’t many cars there this morning.

The 1.8 mile trail followed the crystal blue Guadalupe River. I’m not sure what makes the water such a bright, blue color in this part of Texas, but it’s really something to see. One side of the river is a nature path and the other is a neighborhood development. It was interesting to see people’s kayaks, rope swings and inflatable water toys stationed along the shone. For some, this is their beloved “lake life.”

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Photo Feb 06, 10 38 43 AM.jpg

Fortunately for Tory, our nature walk this morning was an easy one. We made it back to the RV about an hour later, and then drove to our next destination in Wimberley, Texas. More to come…