Andrew DicksonComment

Port Bolivar, TX

Andrew DicksonComment
Port Bolivar, TX

Tuesday, February 2

Our day started in Brookeland, Texas at the KOA Campground. Andi set up my “gym” in a pontoon storage garage on the property and it worked great! Fairly clean, lots of space to move around, and a pole to mount my control track. By now, it doesn’t even phase me to workout with other people around. I put in my headphones, push play on my workout, and do my thing.

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Meanwhile, Andi started the kids on their reading assignments. Tory was snuggled in her bed reading a chapter book on the Kindle while Andi and Aden took turns reading at the dining table. Andi read to Aden three pages from Judy Moody and then Aden read one of his “early reader” books to Andi. And, repeat.

I’m so thankful for these moments. For this life! Yesterday, Andi and I were discussing the amount of quality time we spend together in the RV vs. the time we’re together at home in Wisconsin and he made a great point — these special moments happen all the time at home as well, but we aren’t all together in the same space to witness them. The RV gives us the opportunity to see the togetherness up close everyday.

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We needed to buy a few items at the grocery store today, so Andi and I decided to get on the road toward Galveston and finish the rest of the kids’ school in the parking lot of the store. Before we left the KOA, Andi filled up the RV with propane. I wasn’t sold on this KOA when we arrived yesterday because of its location to some pretty run-down houses and construction workers who seem to be living at the campground full-time, but after staying here 24-hours I changed my tune. The property itself was very well kept and the owner was friendly and accommodating. He told Andi he purchased this KOA out of foreclosure five years ago and has been working diligently to bring it back to life. It was evident how much work he’d put into this dream.

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We drove 1 1/2 hours south on Highway 96 to Beaumont, then stopped at the HEB grocery store. Andi ran into the store to pick up supplies while Tory, Aden and I sat in the RV and finished school. It was a beautiful, sunshine-filled day with temperatures nearing 60 degrees.

From Beaumont, we drove another 90 minutes south to the Bolivar Peninsula near Galveston. At the end of our drive we were rewarded with a spectacular view of the ocean! Seeing its blue waters stretch out to meet the horizon never gets old for these northerners.

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Andi found us a boondocking spot on Crystal Beach for the night. In Texas, you can drive vehicles right onto certain beaches and even camp overnight on them. First, you need to purchase a $5 parking pass from any local gas station and then you can stay up to 5 nights on the beach. We stopped at a gas station to purchase our pass, but the attendant said we didn’t need one. “It’s the off-season. They aren’t really checking,” he said.

OK then — off to the beach! I was nervous to drive our RV onto the sand for fear we’d get stuck, but Andi said he read dozens of reviews about people driving much bigger rigs onto the beach. Sure enough, the sand was packed down very hard and we had no problem driving onto the sand.

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The beach was practically empty, so we found a spot that looked good to us and parked the RV for the night. Tory and Aden were so excited to be at the beach! Aden insisted on wearing his swimming suit, even though I told him the water was too cold to swim. “It won’t be too cold for me, Mom. It is so hot outside.” It really wasn’t. The outside temperature was around 55 degrees by late afternoon, with a decent wind coming off the water. I wasn’t going to argue with him anymore. Sometimes kids need to figure things out themselves.

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Tory and Aden built sandcastles together with plastic coffee cups while Andi and I pulled out the lawn chairs, opened a bottle of wine, and watched them play. Life felt pretty darn fantastic at the moment!

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Andi flew his drone and took some cool pictures of the beach by air. We were fascinated by the oil rigs and transport boats off in the distance. Aden wanted to play “chase” with the drone, so Andi flew it up and down the beach while the kids ran back and forth chasing after it. We all felt so happy to be outside enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.

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Back in the RV, we all sat around the table to FaceTime Andi dad, Jim, and wish him a happy birthday.

Andi attempted to grill pork chops for dinner, but it was too windy outside. We ended up pan-frying them inside the RV on the stove-top.

Our bedtime routine looks about the same no matter where we’re parked. Andi and I cleaned up dinner dishes, transformed the dining table into Aden’s bed, and then we all snuggled together to watch a show on Netflix.

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I love falling asleep listening to the sound of the ocean outside our window. Andi said he heard cars driving up and down the beach throughout the night, but I didn’t hear much noise. Tomorrow morning, we’re planning to take the Galveston - Port Bolivar ferry across the channel into Galveston. Can’t wait to see it!