Andrew DicksonComment

Salta, Argentina - Day 3

Andrew DicksonComment
Salta, Argentina - Day 3

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Today was a low-key day at our airbnb in the Salta suburb of San Lorenzo. Aden has a full-blown cold now, and really sounded quite terrible this morning. Andi and I ran out early this morning to the local pharmacy down the street to get some medicine for Aden. It’s so simple to get medicine in Argentina — Andi explained Aden’s symptoms to the pharmacist and she gave him a cough & cold medicine with specific dosing instructions. Easy as that — $3 USD.

While we were out, we also picked up our laundry at the laundromat in town. Taking our laundry to the cleaners is a lot simpler than messing around with foreign machines, buying soap, and having the correct amount of pesos. It cost us $2,000 Argentine pesos ($9 USD, or half the price using the Blue Rate exchange) to have an entire laundry bag of dirty clothes washed and folded.

Back at the airbnb, Andi made a nice breakfast for everyone — eggs, leftover broccoli and carrots from last night’s dinner, a slice of banana bread, and banana. The kids watched their iPhones for little while, and then we set in on schoolwork while Andi worked from this computer. On Wednesdays, Andi usually works most of the day so the kids and I catch up on lessons, and enjoy some downtime.

The owner of our airbnb has kids ages 10 & 8 which has been fun for Tory and Aden this week. Tory played outside with the 10-year-old girl all afternoon, but we didn’t let Aden go because he wasn’t feeling very well.

After work, Andi ran to the grocery store to pick up a few things for dinner. Grocery shopping is another thing that’s not fast in Argentina — it requires a trip to the fruits & veggie stand, a trip to the carniceria (meat store), and a trip to the tienda for any other supplies.

Of course, he returned with some ice cream too. We can’t get enough of Argentine helado!