Andrew DicksonComment

Salmon, ID

Andrew DicksonComment
Salmon, ID

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Andi and I had a great night camped along Waddington Creek south of Salmon, ID. We were both up early this morning, eager to hike to Gold Bug Hot Springs. Andi made us each a spinach and mushroom omelet with leftover salad greens for breakfast. We ate in the RV, then made our way to the trailhead.

I’m glad we arrived at Gold Bug when we did because the trailhead was already busy with cars at 9:00am. I suspect a few groups camped in the hills overnight. This is one of the most popular hikes in the area with locals and visitors alike.

The trail immediately started to climb via switchbacks right out of the gate. Oofta! Ready or not, our hearts were pounding!

A few switchbacks transitioned into a trail that led straight up hill. Wow! Our heart rates were really up there. Andi and I stopped several times to catch our breath and admire the view. We were glad the kids weren’t with us on this hike — the level of complaining would have been high.

Meanwhile back in Sula, Grandma and Grandpa took Tory and Aden into Darby for the day. They visited the library and the Old West Candy Store before having lunch at the Montana Cafe.

At Gold Bug Hot Springs, Andi and I finished the hike. At the top, we were rewarded with spectacular views of the valley below and a series of natural hot springs pooled into the rocks. There were a handful of people already soaking in the water, so we found a pool not being used and hopped into the warm, soothing water. The hot springs felt SO GOOD on our bodies, especially after hiking various trails all week.

An hour later, Andi and I had to peel ourselves out of the hot springs. Crowds of people started rolling in, so we figured it was about time to head back down the mountain. It didn’t take us long to descend the trail. We made it back to the RV around 11:30am.

Someone we spoke to at the hot springs recommended Junkyard Bistro for lunch, so Andi and I headed there next. We were starving after a full morning of exercise. Junkyard Bistro wasn’t busy at all; we found a spot at the bar and ordered two sandwiches with chips and waters.

Before leaving the town of Salmon, we stopped by the grocery store again to pick up a few food items for the rental cabin — eggs, veggies, and some of the kids’ favorite snacks.

It was raining as we made our way over the Chief Joseph Pass on the Idaho/Montana border. Luckily, temperatures were still above freezing so we didn’t encounter any snowfall at the top of the mountain. It was 44 degrees as we passed over the Continental Divide.

Andi and I arrived back at the rental cabin in Sula by 4:00pm. Jim, Janie, Tory and Aden had just made it back from Darby around the same time. We made dinner, and then visited together in the living room of the cabin the rest of the evening. Tory and I kept tabs on the Nebraska Football game, too. Huskers won!

Tomorrow, we’re heading out on a fishing adventure with one of the owners of the rental cabin. Should be a fun time!