Andrew DicksonComment

Madison, GA

Andrew DicksonComment
Madison, GA

Friday, April 19

If you type “Prettiest Small Towns in Georgia” into Google, Madison, Georgia tops the list. Seriously, Google it. It’s true!

Heading toward Madison was our plan for the day, for no particular reason other than we’d heard it’s a beautiful small town in America. We were excited to check it out.

It was raining in Macon when we woke up Friday morning, so we all enjoyed a slow morning in the RV. Then, we hit the road somewhere around 10:00am for Hard Labor Creek State Park near Madison. Easter weekend, we knew campgrounds and state parks would be busy and we were lucky enough to snag the last available spot when we pulled in around Noon. Hard Labor Creek State Park has lots to offer for activities: horseback riding, a 18-hole golf course and miniature golf course, playground, beach, and this weekend — an Easter egg hunt on the campground lawn.


We located our campsite and warmed up leftovers for lunch, and then drove to a nearby town of Social Circle so I could get a haircut. As a woman, getting a haircut is like going to the doctor, I like to go to someone who knows my history; but I couldn’t hold out for my regular hairstylist any longer. I booked the first appointment I could get that afternoon.

Sitting in the beauty chair at a small town hair salon in Georgia was quite a trip! More than the pampering, I enjoyed listening to the stylists go on about their weekend Easter plans and other town happenings. The young woman cutting my hair told another stylist about a cop in town who was “sweet on her” and there was lots of southern drawl and phrases I’m not used to hearing where we live. Everyone was so friendly and interested to hear about our travels.

While I got my haircut, Andi took the kids to Wal-Mart to buy groceries. He treated the kids to new bikes while he was there, so they were excited when they picked me up! We returned to our campsite at Hard Labor Creek and grilled a pork tenderloin with carrots and broccoli for dinner. After we ate, the four of us walked around the campgrounds so the kids could ride their new wheels. Georgia has lots of rolling hills so it wasn’t the easiest place for Aden to learn how to ride a bike, but he was determined to learn.


Saturday, April 20

The weather turned colder overnight; it was a wet and rainy 45 degrees when we woke up Saturday morning. The gloomy weather kept the inside of our camper dark, and Andi and Tory slept in until after 9:00am. Hard Labor Creek State Park planned to host an Easter egg hunt on their lawn that afternoon, so after a late breakfast we walked over there to check it out. Getting the four of us ready and out the door in such a small space is like bees buzzing around a hive. I had to laugh when Aden was looking for his shoes and Tory said, “We live in a small box. FIND THEM.” She has a point; there’s only so many places they could be.

The Easter event at the campground was low-key and perfect. There was a big crafts table under one of the picnic shelters that Tory loved, and an Easter egg hunt on the lawn despite the rainy, cold weather. Afterward, the kids took their picture with the Easter bunny.


We’ve attended more Easter events on this trip than we ever have. Two years ago, we were in Mexico for Easter and last year we were sailing in Puerto Rico so Tory and Aden don’t expect Easter baskets and fancy outfits. Adorably, Aden asked after the egg hunt if he’d get to eat a “chocolate chicken” on Easter.

After the egg hunt, we drove the RV to Madison. Unfortunately, it was cold and rainy day which put a gray cloud over the town. It wasn’t sparkling with charm the way I expect it would have if the sun was shining and we’d have been able to enjoy ice cream in the town square.


Earlier today as we got dressed for the egg hunt, I remembered we’d left the kids’ sneakers behind when we traveled to the Bahamas. They were too small and our bags were jammed tight, so I figured we’d buy new in Florida when we started our RV travels. It wasn’t until this morning when it was wet and cold that we’d needed anything other than Crocs! So, next we stopped in to a Madison department store to buy new shoes for the kids. Since we planned to go to church Easter Sunday, I considered buying nice outfits for all of us to wear, but decided at the last minute that would be silly. We don’t have much room in the RV for anything extra, so wearing what we already would have to do. Last stop in Madison was to Wal-Mart (we seem to go here at least once a day!) so I could buy the kids a treat for Easter. They weren’t expecting anything more than a “chocolate chicken” as Aden commented earlier, but I wanted them to have something special when they woke up Easter morning.

Tomorrow, we’ll leave Hard Labor Creek State Park and drive to John’s Creek, Georgia to spend Easter with my cousin Tara and her family.