Andrew DicksonComment

Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil - Day 4

Andrew DicksonComment
Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil - Day 4

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Wednesdays are our designated work & school day. I secretly look forward to Wednesdays because my introverted self needs one day a week to recharge while we’re traveling. We’ve had several long days in a row this week traveling from Chile to Brazil, and then visiting both sides of Iguazu Falls. It was nice to have a slower start to the day this morning.

This week, we’re lucky to be staying in an airbnb with plenty of space for all of us. Andi took his calls in the living room on the main level of the house while Tory, Aden, and I stayed upstairs in the bedrooms. Tory slept in until 9:30am this morning! She must’ve needed the rest. Aden played games on his Nintendo Switch and I blogged for a few hours this morning. When Tory woke up and the kids finished breakfast, we started in on our school work. On Wednesdays, we try to do two lessons of Math and Language Arts to make up for days during the week when we didn’t do “traditional” school work. Since Andi is busy working, we have all day to do some schoolwork, take a break for lunch, have some down time, and then come back to finish the lessons.

This is the first place we’ve stayed on this trip that has a washer & dryer, so I definitely took advantage of that luxury today even though we just did laundry a few days ago in Chile. I spent some time this afternoon packing our bags in preparation for our flight to Salta, Argentina tomorrow morning.

Andi wanted to eat at a Brazilian steakhouse while we were in Foz do Iguaçu, so we took an Uber to a restaurant called Churrascaria Premium for dinner around 7:00pm. The restaurant was huge, but there was only one other table of people eating there when we arrived.

I’d never been to a Brazilian steakhouse before, but Andi said this wasn’t a very good representation — even though we were actually eating at one in Brazil. We filled our plates with salad and pasta dishes on the buffet line, and then several men paraded to our table with skewers of various meats to try.

The kids basically ate chocolate pudding, so it ended up being a pretty expensive meal for the four of us. I can’t say I’d recommend visiting that restaurant again. Just as we were leaving, a giant charter bus pulled up and 40 men poured into the restaurant. It looked like maybe it was a bachelor party? Good timing because we were out the door.

We took an Uber back to our airbnb and finished packing for the airport tomorrow. Our flight is at 8:00am out of the Puerto Iguazu airport in Argentina, so we have to cross the border early tomorrow morning before going to the airport. Using Google Translate, Andi confirmed with the same driver we’ve been using this week in Brazil that the border office will be open early in the morning. He assures us it will. Hopefully, this isn’t another one of his messages lost in translation.

We’ve enjoyed staying in Brazil this week for a change of scenery, and would definitely like to come back again someday to explore more of the country. Until then, our Argentina adventure continues!