Andrew DicksonComment

Buenos Aires, Argentina - Day 5

Andrew DicksonComment
Buenos Aires, Argentina - Day 5

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Wednesdays continue to be work & school days for us while traveling.

This morning, Andi and I walked to have breakfast together at a cafe called Ninina down the street from our apartment. It’s a bright cafe and bakery serving eggs, yogurt, fruit, and Argentinian croissants called medialunas. After breakfast, Andi and I stopped by the grocery store to pickup donuts for the kids, as well as a few snacks for our day which would mostly be spent at our airbnb apartment.

On Wednesdays, the kids and I aim to do double the school lessons to make up for days during the week we’re out & about adventuring. Tory, Aden, and I sat in the master bedroom and did half of our school work in the morning while Andi worked from the living room, and then the kids and I went to our condo’s outdoor pool from 11:30am - 1:30pm so Andi could have the apartment to himself for a video call.

You know the saying, “It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity?” Yeah, that’s Buenos Aires. Daytime temperatures are hot here, but it’s also really humid. Even sitting by the pool felt miserable unless we were physically in the water. There’s no escaping the heat. Andi said we could return to the apartment after 1:30pm and the kids were counting down the minutes until they could be back in the air-conditioning.

Back in the apartment, I made banana & dulce de leche toast for the kids. We finished up our school work in the bedroom, and then enjoyed some time reading and playing games until Andi finished with work around 7:30pm.

Part of me wanted to cab to the San Telmo neighborhood for dinner so we could spend more time in one of Buenos Aires’ oldest neighborhoods, but the reality of a 30-minute cab ride across town deterred our plans. Andi and I decided we’d walk around our Palermo neighborhood instead. We picked a place called Avila for dinner. By 9:00pm, without the intense sunshine beating down on the streets of Buenos Aires, the temperature outside decreased to a comfortable 80 degrees. We sat on an outdoor patio and enjoyed BBQ wings, French fries, a chicken arepa, and Venezuelan-style empanadas.

After dinner, we continued walking around the Palermo neighborhood, eventually making our way back to our condo apartment building. Palermo reminds Andi and I of Minneapolis’ Uptown neighborhood. It’s fun to walk around and see so many groups of people eating dinner on restaurant patios, walking their dogs in the park, biking around, etc. Great people watching in Palermo.

Last stop on our walk home was to Argentina’s equivalent of Wal-greens called Farmacity, to replenish a few of our toiletries like toothpaste, sunscreen, and Ibuprofen.

Tomorrow, we’re planning to take a day trip adventure to Tigre — a riverside town 28km (17 miles) north of the city of Buenos Aires. Excited for that!