Andrew DicksonComment

El Bolson, Argentina - Day 4

Andrew DicksonComment
El Bolson, Argentina - Day 4

Friday, February 24, 2023

Good news — Aden is back to his usual perky self. After a night of vomiting every two hours between the hours of 8:00pm - 2:00am, Aden woke up around 8:00am this morning asking what time was breakfast. I don't know how he does that?! He was happy and talkative as ever like he had never been sick at all.

Unfortunately, now Andi isn’t feeling well. He was also awake most of the night with a stomach ache and looked pretty miserable this morning.

The four of us went to the continental breakfast in the lodge around 9:30am. The hotel served coffee, tea, and warm milk for chocolate caliente (Tory’s favorite!), plus cereal, toast, yogurt, and fruit. It was a pretty intimate setting with all of the guests seated together in a small dining room. Andi and I thought it was interesting that none of the Argentinian guests were talking to each other. I understanding why they weren’t talking to us since we don’t speak Spanish, but they weren’t conversing among tables either. In the USA, people tend to make small talk or at least say good morning, whereas, in Argentina, it seems like people mostly keep to themselves.

After breakfast, Andi went back to our hotel room to lay down while Tory and Aden watched their iPhones and I blogged on the outside patio. About an hour later, Andi and I decided we’d just hang out at Morada del Sol today and take advantage of the lodge’s many amenities. If there was ever a place to have a chill day, this was it.

For lunch, we ordered a big house salad from the lodge restaurant and a plate of grilled chicken with French fries. The salad was really fresh & delicious — even Tory liked it.

After lunch, the kids and I sat by the pool and played cards while Andi went back to the hotel room to lay down. The sun was hot today! At different points, the three of us jumped into the freezing cold pool to cool ourselves.

Our family very rarely travels to places where we sit by the pool and relax in the sunshine. The kids and I didn’t know what to do with ourselves all afternoon! In between swimming sessions, Tory and Aden jumped on the trampoline for a while and took breaks from the sun in the lodge watching their iPhones. To be honest, we were kind of bored by the end of the day.

Andi still wasn’t feeling well by dinner. I felt badly that he’d been cooped up in that dark hotel room all day. Tory, Aden, and I ordered a cheese pizza and a salad for dinner. Except this time, something got lost in translation and our salad was served without lettuce! I attempted to ask the waiter in Spanish to bring us some lettuce for the salad, but he didn’t understand me so I must not have been pronouncing it correctly. Oh well, Aden ate the pile of carrots and Tory ate the corn. I put the tomatoes on my cheese pizza and pretended it was Neapolitan. We brought Andi two carne empanadas back to the room for dinner.

We were in bed for the night by 9:30pm while the other lodge guests were just heading to dinner. The wind really picked up this evening and now it’s starting to rain. Tomorrow is suppose to be a cooler day in El Bolson — our last day in this area of Patagonia.