Andrew DicksonComment

Waikoloa, HI - Day 2

Andrew DicksonComment
Waikoloa, HI - Day 2

Friday, March 19

Up early again this morning for our second day on Hawaii’s Big Island. Aden is our early bird child, and usually wakes Andi and I up the minute he’s up for the day — this morning, with a tickle to the arm pit!

Andi left the condo around 8:30am to hang out with his good friend Claire today. Claire is in Hawaii visiting her brother, Clark, who doesn’t live far from where we’re staying. Andi and Claire spent the day exploring the Big Island & catching up with one another.

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Meanwhile back at the condo, I made breakfast for Tory and Aden and then utilized the outdoor gym on the condo property for my workout. Isn’t this view gorgeous?

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Then Tory, Aden and I did school on the outdoor patio of our condo unit. What a treat it was to sit outside surrounded by green grass and tropical flowers, listening to the birds chirping, while we studied math and reading. These kiddos of ours don’t realize how lucky they are to be able to school on the road and experience all that they do. The life!

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I asked Tory to write about why she wanted to visit Hawaii and she made a bulleted list. Shhh— don’t tell her, but next week she’s going to turn that list into a persuasive writing piece.


After school, the three of us headed to the pool where we spent the afternoon. Aden made friends with two little boys there, and together they jumping off the side of the pool over and over again for hours. We walked back to the condo for lunch around 2:00pm, and then returned to the pool again for more swimming.

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Andi met us at the pool around 5:00pm. We let the kids swim until just before sunset, and then came back to our condo for dinner. Andi grilled burgers, and then the four of us plopped on the couch to watch a show on Netflix together. Tory and Aden were absolutely exhausted from swimming all afternoon. They fell into their beds around 9:00pm.

Tomorrow, we’re planning to drive to the northern part of the Big Island to check out a farmer’s market and go for a hike. I’m excited to see more of the Big Island!