Andrew DicksonComment

Frisco, CO

Andrew DicksonComment
Frisco, CO

Monday, September 21

Today marks the beginning of the 3rd week of our RV trip. It’s hard to believe our trip is already halfway over! Andi, Tory, Aden and I have found our traveling groove, and we’re having a great time together.

This morning, we woke up Glenwood Spring, CO at an RV park near the highway. We stayed here last night because there was a massive traffic jam on I-70 Sunday evening and we decided it better to pull over for the night than commit ourselves to misery inching along the interstate. The RV Park employee said there’s construction on I-70 taking each direction of traffic down to one lane for 8 miles. Sunday nights are always a mess, he said. 

It’s a rare event that we actually had internet this morning (albeit, slow), so I decided to do a workout in our campsite. While I did that, Andi re-filled our RV with water and got the kids fed and dressed. We dumped our sewer tank and then hit the road for the Breckenridge area. Fortunately, the 1 1/2 hour drive was uneventful. There wasn’t much traffic on the interstate this morning. Much, much better than last night. 

Along the way, we stopped by Wal-Mart in Eagle, CO to buy an internet data card Andi wants for our RV. With an internet data card, we’d d have internet anywhere we have cell service and wouldn’t have to stay in a campground to have connectivity. This would be ideal for us because we prefer camping in more wide open spaces vs. RV Parks. Also, the kids are practically dying without internet connectivity on this trip — ha! They miss FaceTiming friends and family back home.

Andi ended up spending almost two hours in and out of Wal-Mart this afternoon, and on the phone with Cricket, trying to make this darn internet card work. Bless his heart for trying so hard! Meanwhile, Tory, Aden and I sat in the RV in the parking lot and did school. 

In the end, Andi was unsuccessful in getting the data card to work. It was about 2:00pm by the time we drove from Eagle to the town of Frisco, CO where we planned to camp for the night. There are two campgrounds right next to each other in Frisco. I picked the one with a paved parking spot on the beach overlooking Lake Dillion. The other option was a more traditional campground setting with a little more privacy, but without lake views. Tory and Aden were not pleased when Andi pushed them outside & told them to go play! We’d spent a lot of time being cooped up inside the RV today.

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Photo Sep 21, 4 13 48 PM.jpg

{frisco beach, camping}

Andi and I decided we could all use a little fresh air, so we set off for a quick hike around the campground. There’s a nice Switchback loop that led us up the hillside with rewarding views of Lake Dillion below. Temperatures were near perfect in the low 70’s and the aspen trees were absolutely gorgeous glowing bright yellow.

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Photo Sep 21, 4 40 27 PM.jpg

Andi bought a steak from Whole Foods the other day when we were in Basalt, which he grilled up for dinner tonight. It was delicious over a bed of salad greens. The four of us FaceTimed Andi’s cousin Laura for a bit and then watched another episode of When Calls the Heart before bedtime. 

Tuesday, September 22

Andi and I were excited to bike around the Frisco / Breckenridge area. There’s an awesome bike trail that connects all the ski towns, so we set off around 10:00am this morning to adventure. First, we hopped on our bikes and rode across the lake into downtown Frisco. Andi remembers staying here when he was in college, and said the town has really developed since then. All of Main Street was made into a pedestrian walking mall & lots of people lined the streets having breakfast at cafes. I was surprised how busy it was, actually, given it was a Tuesday morning. 

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From downtown Frisco, we hopped back on the bike trail and rode 9 miles to Breckenridge. The bike trail was beautiful weaving through big open fields, and by the Breckenridge Recreation Center. There were lots of other cyclists on the trail. I was glad to have the power of our electric bikes because we were riding directly into the wind in some parts of the trail, and other cyclists were really struggling to keep moving. Not us! Vroom…

Breckenridge has a nice vibe to it. Streets were closed to cars here as well, and there were lots of tourists walking around downtown, shopping in stores, eating ice cream and having lunch. Andi, Tory, Aden and I were starving after a morning of biking, so we stopped at a BBQ restaurant for lunch. We sat outside (because, COVID) even though the skies started to cloud over and we felt a few drops of rain. Our food was very good. Aden crushed his order of BBQ pork ribs. Andi and I split an entree of three different meats (pulled pork, brisket and ribs) served with a side of sweet potatoes, and Tory enjoyed her pulled pork with mashed potatoes. 

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Photo Sep 22, 1 58 51 PM.jpg

After lunch, we walked around downtown Breck for a few minutes before deciding to head back to our RV. The sky looked pretty dark in the direction we needed to bike back to Frisco, and we didn’t want to get rained on during our ride back. Fortunately, we made it just in time. Rain drops began to fall just as we loaded the e-bikes back onto the rack. 

Tonight, Andi made dinner plans with two friends in Vail. I’d planned to meet up with a friend of mine that lives in nearby Eagle, but the timing didn’t work for us to get together. So, I told Andi the kids and I would ride along to his friend’s house and hang out in our RV while he had dinner. It’s kind of nice to be “on our own” for a night once in a while after being on-the-go all day, everyday.

Andi finished his dinner around 8:00pm and then we hit the road again. Sure, we could camped in his friend’s drive-way for the night, but we were anxious to keep moving. I had the kids ready in pajamas and transformed the table into Aden’s bed before we left. That way, the kids could lay down while we drove. We arrived at a KOA in Silt, CO around 10:00pm. We’ll do laundry and school tomorrow morning and then continue our way toward Western Colorado.