Andrew DicksonComment

Te Anau, NZ

Andrew DicksonComment
Te Anau, NZ

Saturday, March 14

Today, we took a travel rest day. After being gone all day yesterday on the Doubtful Sound cruise, we felt like taking a breather today to catch up on computer stuff, read books and play outside. I did my workout outside the RV this morning, took a shower and did a load of laundry. Andi walked into the Te Anau town centre to get a coffee and buy groceries. Tory and Aden caught up on school work after breakfast (which they weren’t very pleased about doing on a Saturday!) and then went to the playground to jump on the bouncy pillow. Here’s what Tory had to say about her experience at Doubtful Sound yesterday:

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There some great hikes just outside of Te Anau, but Andi said he didn’t feel like driving the RV around today. Instead, we spent the afternoon walking around the lake and through town. The kids did such a great job of walking without complaining that we decided to reward them with gelato afterwards.

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Photo Mar 14, 4 14 55 PM.jpg

At 5:00pm, we decided to catch a showing of Shadowlands, a documentary about Fiordlands National Park, which plays on the hour at the Fiordland Cinema in Te Anau. Footage for the film was captured by helicopter through all seasons of weather and is the “cheapest tour of the World Heritage Site you’ll ever get to experience” said the employee who introduced the movie. We really enjoyed it, especially since we’d just visited Doubtful Sound yesterday.

We made dinner at the holiday park for the second night, and enjoyed the quiet evening. Tomorrow, we’re heading to the south central tip of New Zealand’s South Island.